Heroes Of The Storm Mods
Summary: The album shows the Sc2 Editor (same editor as Heroes) using Heroes datafiles. It also shows new features added specialy for heroes.Album link:Image 1: Cutscene Editor, used for making trailers and machinema.Image 2: Shows an Arena created with Symmetry Tools.Image 3: Shows how the Symmetry tool is set up. It can be set up to rectangular, diagonal or rotational symmetry. It can also be set locally to an specific Area of the map.Image 4: Shows Wizards a tool that makes Data Editor easy for beginners (thus the editor is as easy as Wc3's Editor)Image 5: Orthogonal murky vs Vikings preview.Image 6: Shows Heroes of the Storm specific data set up for Heroes.Image 7: A simple scene using the editor.The final Heroes of the Storm Editor will be similar to that seen here.As a suggestion for Blizzard. I suggest making a good set of Wizards and building them into a sepparate editor than the data Editor. It should look like Wc3's object Editor.
Heroes Of The Storm Reddit

It should make it very easy for new users to work with data without having to know hard stuffs like xml hard coding or data hierarchies.I may release a tutorial on how to set it up but first I must make sure people can't use it to circumvent Blizzard's payment model. It would be nice to see fan created machinema, map ideas and new heroes ideas. However, I'm completely against people using it to play custom games without owning heroes/skins. I'll see to what extend this can get.
Support for Windows XP and Windows Vista will be dropped some time in 2017. The game will no longer run on these versions after this change. City of Heroes The name says, this patch (City of nude patched Heroes) strips the female characters in a particular outfit. Details in the City of Heroes nude patch readme.