Soal Ogn Guru Sd

Soal Ogn Guru Sd Tematik
My friend, Hendry, is a diligent and smart student in his school. He getsup at 4.00 a.m. Every morning.
He always goes to school earlier than his friends.He goes to school by public transport and he sometimes goes home bymotorcycle with his uncle. He’s never absent.
Dec 14, 2018 - COM: Lowongan Kerja Medan - Lowongan Kerja contoh soal olimpiade. INFO LENGKAP OLIMPIADE GURU NASIONAL (OGN) SD SMP.

Af ter school he usually helps hisparents. They have a cloth store beside their house. In the evening he studies hislesson and he does the assignments given by his teacher. He seldom watches TV.He hardly ever goes to bed late.What is Hendry like?. My friend, Hendry, is a diligent and smart student in his school. He getsup at 4.00 a.m. Every morning.
He always goes to school earlier than his friends.He goes to school by public transport and he sometimes goes home bymotorcycle with his uncle. He’s never absent. Af ter school he usually helps hisparents. They have a cloth store beside their house. In the evening he studies hislesson and he does the assignments given by his teacher. He seldom watches TV.He hardly ever goes to bed late.Which statement is TRUE based on the text?.