Fallout 3 Dlc Walkthrough
Page Tools.Welcome one, welcome all, to the fifth and final piece of DLC for Fallout 3. Entitled Mothership Zeta, this DLC pack will prove to be an interesting wrap-up for veterans of the Capital Wasteland. Sure, we've seen Pittsburgh, and we've seen Maryland. We've trained in a VR simulation, and we eradicated the plague of the Enclave once and for all. What about that alien ship we found in the Capital Wasteland, complete with extraterrestrial corpse and powerful new weaponry?The aliens are pissed, my friends, and they've come to take care of business. Below is our complete walkthrough for Mothership Zeta, from start to finish. Enjoy your abduction!Follow the links below to reach the desired section of the walkthrough.
Basics. Main Quest. Side Quests. Wasteland Survival Guide. Appendices.
Perks. Bobbleheads. Enemies.
Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta Guide. Following this walkthrough will ensure that you don’t miss any of the Alien Captive Recording Logs due to precise and timed descriptions. If you don’t collect all 25 during your first visit to the ship, some might never be acquired again, so search well. Good luck to you! Shortly after downloading this DLC you’ll.

I think that Fallout 3 is one of the best games ever made. I hate cheats, but they can help the new players in their adventure. If you want to fully enjoy Fallout 3, please don't read this guide. I'm not responsible of any damage caused by the incorrect use of this cheats. Most of this cheats work. Metal Blaster (The Pitt DLC) The Metal Blaster is a unique upgraded laser rifle with spread shot. Turn in 50 Ingots to the person outside the steelyard to get the weapon.
Super Mutant Behemoths. Broken Steel. Mothership Zeta. Operation: Anchorage. The Pitt. Point Lookout. The Arsenal.

Fallout 4 Dlc Walkthrough
Schematics. Unique Weapons.