Fallout New Vegas 357 Magnum
Good evening!I was wondering if anyone out there would consider bringing the.357 magnum revolver from New Vegas to Fallout 4 in the fashion it deserves? I do realize that we have a magnum in-game but it strikes me as something of a. I'm not sure, It feels bulky and cumbersome compared to the 357.Possible modifications?Grips:Comfort Grip: Tied with bandages / tape.Sturdy Grip: Wooden butt is encased in a metal shell.Modern Grip: Sleek black plastic.Lucky Grip: Pearled grip with the 'Lucky' symbol from New Vegas.Ranger Grip: NCR Ranger Bear Decal with a Lanyard Loop.Rifle Grip: Full wooden Rifle StockBarrels:Long Barrel:Default Barrel:Snub Barrel:Wrapped Barrel:Rifle Barrel: Extra long with a wooden hand-grip beneath.Sights:Default Sights:Glow Sights:Short Scope:Long Scope:.

Game: Fallout New Vegas. When logged in, you can choose up to 8 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Empty favourite. Empty favourite. Empty favourite. New, even better retexture for the.357 revolver, its mods and the unique variant Lucky. I originally did one nearly 2 years ago, but this one looks a lot better in-game.
Fallout New Vegas .357 Magnum
Contents.Characteristics The.357 Magnum (9×33mmR) is a rimmed, straight cased cartridge originally introduced in 1934, as a development of the.38 Special ammunition. It has the same chambering diameter as the parent round, though it uses a different powder load for enhanced penetration and firepower. Though originally developed as a law enforcement round for use against early body armor and to penetrate light cover used by U.S. Gangsters, its excellent stopping power and timeless design resulted in enduring popularity, well into the 21st century. The Big Chef brand of bullets was particularly popular among civilians and law enforcement alike. Packages of this ammunition are still common throughout the wastes.
Weapons using this ammunition. Dead Money. Old World BluesCrafting ComponentsRequirementsProducts. 9Comparison NameOtherEmpty Casing.357 Magnum roundx 1x 1x 1x 1Yes30% Chance.357 Magnum, hollow pointx 1.75x 3x 1x 1No30% Chance.357 Magnum, JFP (hand load)x 1.25- 3x 1x 0.8Yes15% Chance.38 Special roundx 0.75x 1x 0.75x 1NoNone.357 Magnum round (Junk) JSawyerx 0.95x 1x 1.2x 1Yes30% ChanceNotable locations Vendors (regular and special types).:.:. Dead Money. Travelling merchants.Loot.
Dead Money: The armor locker can contain up to 1000 rounds.Gallery.