Fallout New Vegas Hud
I'm hoping for a Purple HUD option that would be awesome.:tops:If you don't mind playing with RGB values, you can set whatever color you want in the INI file. Make a back up first just in case you mess it up. Note, this is from Fallout 3, New Vegas should be the same, or similar.iSystemColorTerminalRed=33iSystemColorTerminalGreen=231iSystemColorTerminalBlue=121iSystemColorSystemRed=26iSystemColorSystemGreen=255iSystemColorSystemBlue=128iSystemColorMainMenuRed=199iSystemColorMainMenuGreen=255iSystemColorMainMenuBlue=165iSystemColorPipboyRed=26iSystemColorPipboyGreen=255iSystemColorPipboyBlue=128iSystemColorHUDAltRed=255iSystemColorHUDAltGreen=67iSystemColorHUDAltBlue=42iSystemColorHUDMainRed=26iSystemColorHUDMainGreen=255iSystemColorHUDMainBlue=128Posts: 3450 Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:47 am. If you don't mind playing with RGB values, you can set whatever color you want in the INI file. Make a back up first just in case you mess it up.
Fallout New Vegas Hud Size

Mar 16, 2015 When i played fallout 3 i remember having a lot of indicators that came with wanderer's edition mod and darnified mod that showed me the day, the time, my basic needs and radiation I installed Project Nevada and darnified but i cannot find the same indicators so i guess i need a different mod for it Are there some mods that fit my description in the nexus site? The file One HUD v.1.0.1 is a modification for Fallout: New Vegas, a(n) rpg game. Download for free. The aim of Immersive HUD is to provide the immersive feel you get from having no HUD, whilst keeping the usefulness of having one. It takes the permanantly visible HUD elements such as HP, AP.
Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas are both built on the Gamebryo engine, which means they share a lot of DNA. One of those shared elements is console commands, of which you can find a huge list of just below. If you’re looking to make some instant changes to your Fallout game, or perhaps – gasp – cheat, then these are the commands you need. The wasteland’s a harsh place, so we don’t blame you for trying to make things easier on yourself.
How do you enter Fallout commands?To enter commands into Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas, you’ll need to open the developer console. To do this, tap the ‘tilde’ key , which can be found under the ESC key on American English keyboards. If you have a UK English keyboard, then you’ll need the ‘grave’ key (`), which can be found in the same spot. Pressing the console key will pause the game, remove the HUD, and give a text prompt ( ) in the lower left corner of the screen.
Simply type in a command and press enter for the effect to take place. When typing commands, replace any text surrounded by brackets with the required information, and do not type the brackets. Replace # with numerical values.
Fallout Cheat CommandsAll Pip-Boy Markerstmm 1Activates all Pip-Boy markers on the map, making them visible and fast-travel locations.Toggle Fog of WartfowToggles on/off fog of war on the Pip-Boy map.God ModetgmToggles on/off god mode, which makes the player invincible to all damage, provides unlimited ammo, carrying capacity and AP. Items do not degrade.Demi-God Mode (New Vegas only)tdmToggles on/off demi-god mode, which makes the player invincible to all damage, but does not provide unlimited ammo or any other benefits.Kill All NPCskillallKills all NPCs and creatures in the area.Teleportcoc Teleports the player to a specific cell location.Fallout Camera CommandsFree CameratfcToggle on/off the free camera, allowing you to move the camera anywhere you please. Use tfc 1 to pause the game too.Free Camera Movement Speedsucsm Changes the speed for the free camera. Replace with 1 for a slow camera, and up to 10 for a fast camera.Remove HUDtmToggle on/off menus and HUD.Field of Viewfov Adjusts the field of view. Default is 75, Narrow is around 40, and wide is around 90. Set the value to your own preference.Toggle LightbritetlbToggle on/off lightbrite mode, which increases lighting in dark areas.
Fallout Inventory CommandsAdd Item to Inventoryplayer.additem Adds an item to your inventory. Items will be at ‘full health’ and undamaged.Remove Item from Inventoryplayer.removeitem Removes an item from your inventory.Repair Menuplayer.srmOpens the Repair Menu, which allows the player to use their Repair skill to fix items. The menu works like a merchant repair trade, but payment will be given back to the player.Show Inventory IDsplayer.showinventoryLists the player’s inventory with item IDs.Equip Item from Inventoryplayer.equipitem Equips an item from your inventory.Change Weapon Healthplayer.setweaponhealthperc Changes the health of your currently held weapon. Replace # with a number between 1-100.Fallout NPC CommandsFor almost all NPC commands, the NPC must be targeted before typing the command. Issuing a command without a target will simply result in nothing.Set Targetprid The same as left-clicking on a target, but useful if you cannot see the target.