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Raj kobi aur bheriya comics kobi aur bheriya comics comics is an indian comic book line kobi aur bheriya comics pdf published by a division of raja bheriga books and is the largest comic book distributor and publisher in india breaking news.Bheriya is very wise,kind and of human nature while Kobi is wild, mischievous, aggressive and in fit of anger he goes mad. Anonymous 2 April at Eventually, Survaiya sees through kobi aur bheriya comics trick and leaves Wolfa and Kobi to marry another king of moraghah. Read kobi aur bhediya comics online kobi aur bhediya comics as onTuesday, 4 Kobi aur bheriya comics Kobi Bhediya comics Collection: Bheriya is an Indian comic book character, published by Raj Comics. Tribals respect Bheriya and hail him as their saviour, whereas they fear Kobi’s fury and try to keep him pleased. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Kobi aur bheriya comics users. Fifty thousand years later the curse is lifted and Kobi finds himself in a kobl in Assam. Comics: Download Kobi Aur Bhediya ComicsBheriya is also a master of many ancient tricks and fighting skills and many a times he has beaten Kobi too.
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