Hexa Clothing Mod Aa2
Those are three must-have compilations of extra assets made by various modders, if you download characters from the database they'll almost certainly require something from these packs. Hair Pack and Clothing Collection are exactly what's written on the tin. The Override Collection contains assets that aren't available in the editor and require ReiEdit to apply them. Clothing Collection has a standalone installer for easier and faster installation.
For the Clothing Collection there are two versions with different uncensor mods applied to them: EX2 (2D) and MK-III (3D). MK-III is the HF Patch default.
Aa2 Mod List
A mod that changes the way dialogue works: instead of having the screen fade to black before characters say their line, you actually see them talking. There are two necessary parts, the audio files and dialogue files. The dialogue files come with Mitsumeru List, a mod that modifies a bunch of things related to dialogue like poses and camera angles. There were reduced variants with fewer Mitsumeru features and a clean variant almost everything removed.
The forum links for the reduced variants are dead, unfortunately, so only the complete and clean versions remain.
AA2HEXA Clothing CollectionEX2v4.3Various.7zのファイルの種類は WinRAR 書庫 (.7z)です。 すみません。よろしくお願いします。 2. リンジー・シャイン 2015年05月25日 23:38; ウィザードの導入自体は以下記事を参照してください。.