Ms Project For Mac
Popular free Alternatives to Microsoft Project for Mac. Explore 22 Mac apps like Microsoft Project, all suggested and ranked by the AlternativeTo user community. Naturally, since Microsoft hasn’t been in a hurry developing an MS Project for Mac build, lots of Mac-specific players have entered the game, occupying all possible niches based on cost, features, tech support, and more. But to understand what makes a perfect competitor to Microsoft Project management software, we need to know what exactly.
@Allan K: ha! Well, that’s another route. But some of us either love MS Project or have to collaborate with other MS Project users. I fall in both of those camps. In my workshops (, I do show participants many of those alternatives listed, and the best imo are Omniplan (which works in both macOS and iOS) and ConceptDraw (works everywhere).

However, the import / export functions for all these tools is not perfect, and when collaborating on complex project structures, sooner or later you will run into a data transformation “gothca.” So to avoid those snafus, I recommend just using the real deal when working with other MS Project users. Dear Jigs, your article is really helpful and informative – thank you so much for taking the time to post. You answered many questions that Apple store workers could not.
I made the change to a Mac Pro desktop mid 2009 (and iPhones and iPads) and have never looked back! It truly is a workhorse and still running like a brand new computer. I agree Macs have a much longer lifespan than other systems. I have been wanting to upgrade to the new online Windows 365 (using Parallels 12), specifically to use MS Project, Outlook 2016, and MYOB AccountRight Live, in addition to the other programs.
I run a small business and still using Windows 2008 for Mac with Entourage (no judgement lol) and various other apps and makeshift programs to perform these functions, which are limited and outdated. I have been fearful of the change, not knowing if Parallels would run all programs properly, how it would affect my internal file structures, and questions over cloud storage. Your advice has been very helpful, Im now ready to take the plunge. @ Chris: great comment, and yes I looked at VirtualBox long ago. In fact, it is what gave me the idea in the first place to start running Windows full bore on a Mac. But I quickly realized that there were commercial products that were more refined, and had some semblance of customer support; VMware and Parallels.
Ms Project
I’ve vacillated between the two for a decade. For the past two years I’ve been using Parallels – because it just works!
File sharing is easy to setup and use – no need to cloud share from the Win10 side, as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc. Folders are seen and work as expected, no matter if you are working in OSX or in Win10.
But in short, I love the macOS / Parallels-Win10 setups on all my macs – mostly because problems are rare, and if I have a problem with Windows, I just blow away the.PVM file and go to a backup. If I have a problem on the Mac side, I just blow away the entire drive and go to a backup.
Ms Project For Mac Os X
And more to the point, I’ve never had a problem running MS Project this way 🙂. Several PMs at my company work with Project based PPM (O365) on a Mac through Parallels – typically Windows 10 install.

Some use it okay but several have experienced their virtual environment slowing Project down to a crawl where they have to wait a minute or more after pressing an option for it to respond. No one has figured out the issue – either they aren’t technical enough or have time (since they are Project Managers – not IT gurus). For anyone out there who is considering this, also consider who can help you when things go sideways and you cannot update your projects. Some of our PMs have moved back to PCs just so they can remain productive.
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