Remote For Hampton Bay Not Working
We are so thankful for the original person who posted this “fix”! I’ve actually been working with Home Depot for 2 years, paid over $100 for electrician to re-check the wiring in our home with no answers. However we have frequent power outages & NO ONE has EVER suggested to re-“pair” the wireless remote by turning off the power - we did have to get a tall ladder & hold the remote as close to the ceiling as we could in order to “pair“ the wireless it.
Hampton bay uc7078t receiver uc7083t not working remote windward ceiling fan photo dual light with dip switch settings user manual lighting and fans programming. Hampton bay universal remote rhine uc7301r replacement uc7078t manual pdf furniture white ceiling fan with one control not working pilot ii blades fans gold coast bedroom and light.
It works perfectly now!! Every Home Depot sales person should know about “pairing” a remote due to power outages as well as Hampton Bay representatives.

I have a Hampton Bay ceiling fan remote that is wink enabled. I’m running HA on a rpi3b+ using the husbzb-1.I had a hard time getting it paired due to the distance between them.
I finally got them paired by temporarily moving the rpi closer to the ceiling fan.Once paired successfully I moved the rpi back and now the fan shows offline, which I figured would happen because of the distance. So I purchased a samsung plug, the newest model that says it is a zigbee repeater.I plugged it in near to where I had rpi to get the fan paired. I was able to pair the samsung plug just fine.
I’ve restarted HA but I still the fan is offline. It doesn’t seem to want to work through or it doesn’t see the repeater.Do I need to reset the fan and pair it again? Do these fan controls work through a repeater?
I have a wink 2 hub but would rather keep it in HA and avoid the wink hub delay. Also had similar experience with multiple of these units. I had 6 of these fans and ALL the controllers had challenges staying connected. Lots of back and forth with Wink and Home Depot was pointless.I fought with HD to pay to refund the cost of the fans and pay to have them removed/replaced to which the compromise was they refunded the fans and we kept them.So I rewired them all to use a Caseta dimmer for the lights and a GE fan controller for the fan.
Remote For Hampton Bay Not Working On Computer
I lost reverse and the “breeze” feature with this setup but they work reliably now. I’m at like an 80% satisfaction rate with mine right now, I can have it up for days but then fight with it a few times in the same day. I like the Sonoff but am not up for flashing it, don’t have all the tools and usually break things when I tinker too much;/Originally when I switched the HB from Wink to HA it gave me lots of problems but recently I was running for a month successfully. This was all on a Pi 3 with the Elelabs USB adapter but then I switched to an Asus Tinker Board the same day as the recent ZHA update in 0.84 and it went to being flaky again. I’ve moved the antenna from inside the fan collar at celing to mounted on ceiling outside of collar but sometimes it still disconnects. It’s wild it’s all in the same room maybe all of 10 to 12 feet apart in a wide open space, no walls or anything.If the HB keeps disappointing I might have to get the GE Z-Wave switch but then would need a light switch too, so much cost to control the one setup especially already owning this unit.edit: it looks like.85 might include, which fixes a few issues regarding ZHA state on restart or when controlled by a remote. I wonder if it might help keep the HB in line.
Remote For Hampton Bay Not Working Today
Bumping this as i’m having the same issues. Pairs fine with rpi in room, moved back to normal location and adding a repeater (ikea outlet in same location as rpi was for pairing) and it’s unavailable/offline. Can’t get it to pair through repeater, and letting zigbee mesh rebuild (unplugging rpi for 30+ min and waiting a day for mesh to rebuild) shows no changes.Is anyone successfully using a repeater with this fan control? Is there any hope for using these controls anywhere except the same room as the rpi?Related: Is there any better solution out there for remote based fans? My fans are all fan/light/remote units with only one line at the wall.

I’d love to switch to zwave or the new lutron fan controls, but those need light/fan loads separated out. The ifan02 is discontinued (and i’m not excited to flash and set up MQTT just for that one use case), Bond just started their API and it’s beta/bare bones (and I’d prefer to not rely on the RF remote reciever).