Total War Warhammer 2 Heroes
Welcome to!A subreddit for all of those who love the Total War series. TW:WH is my first Total War game and I've put in about 200 hours at this point.
Playing my fourth empire campaign at the moment and it got really really busy with beastmen, wood elves, vampire counts, dwarfs, and savage orcs randomly declaring war at me and it took me 70 turns to finally be in a phase were I could catch my breath and being able to recruit pretty much most of the things I want. Most heroes are essenital boosters for your army. Movement, replenishment and or combat skills all rolled into one. Plus all the traits and followers they can have that boosts either army or faction. Tl;dr Important boost, put as many as a you can in all your armies. Cataph's Kraka Drak: the Norse Dwarfs 2.0. This mod, updated for the Total War Warhammer sequel, makes Kraka Drak (located in the north very near Chaos Wastes) playable. Just like The Southern Realms, it presents another roster expansion, new techs, characters, skills, but with less plumes and more beards.
I usually avoid games with high learning curves but this game sucked me in. My one annoyance at this point is the effectiveness of heroes.I hate how one hero can massacre an army, sure I love it when my hero does it but it feels like cheating.
And to have a level 30 hero get permanently assassinated is a total bummer as well. And it always 'feels' like the AI gets better results than I ever do when it comes to assassinations.I think I'd actually prefer the game without them at all or if they were far less powerful or could only be embedded with armies.I'd feel guilty if I found a mod that removed them but damn it would be tempting. I installed the no aggressive heroes mod halfway through my first campaign and never looked back. The AI does indeed get bonuses (no cooldown malus to their action success chances following an action, I think?) so they already have the leg up in that front, and on top of that I believe they receive free high-level heroes out of the blue. Additionally the AI public order penalties are severely reduced to non-existent, so there's a whole host of quality of life features that the AI never has to deploy their hero for - they can just use them for the singular purpose of assassinating your lords, and they will.This basically turns the entire hero aspect of the game into using your heroes to assassinate the enemy's heroes before they assassinate yours.which kind of negates them, doesn't it? You might as well remove them entirely if their only purpose is to negate themselves.
Total War Warhammer 2 Factions
No aggressive heroes mod makes the game easier, no doubt, but it actually lets you and the enemy use them for things other than assassination wars. And yes, it lets you assassinate/block/assault with your own heroes so it's totally lopsided in your favor, but if you don't abuse the obvious advantage you have in that regard and instead opt to use heroes in new and interesting ways, i think you'll have a better experience.I'm just holding out for a mod/patch that allows the enemy to play aggressively without it feeling cheap. Maybe there is one and I haven't seen it. Yea, for several campaigns I tried to play the game 'pure' despite hating the assassination/damage army spam. But once you realize the agent/anti agent meta game is so mindless and nothing but rolling dice against each other hoping your assassinate roll goes through first, it becomes clear this is just a stupid design choice and moding it out is the best idea.So I finally gave up and installed mod and having way more fun in my campaigns using heroes in my armies or for their deploy/embed bonuses instead rather than just spamming assassinate button over and over and praying. Actually makes the use, and skill point decisions, of agents feel more strategic when you're not just using them to counter kill other agents.
The game got a lot more enjoyable for me after I installed the mod that caps maximum number of agents to 1 of each type. Not only do I get more attached to them, but I also have to actively prioritize how they're used. And then there's the added bonus that if you kill off an enemy hero then you actually make a dent in the hero effeciency for a good while.I tried out the different mods that changes heroes in different ways, and even the one that disabled all the hostile actions, but it was the 'only one of each type' that really clicked for me.
Total War Warhammer 2 Heroes Guide

Contents BackgroundMillennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos.
Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin.Powerful forces move to heal the maelstrom and avert catastrophe. Yet others seek to harness its terrible energies for their own bitter purpose. The race is on, and the very fate of the world will lie in the hands of the victor.OverviewThe second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning, Total War: Warhammer II brings players a breathtaking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth, and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other title to date.Features. 4 new continents: Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth, and the Southlands.
Play as one of 8 Legendary Lords across 4 iconic races from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles; each Legendary Lord has a unique geographical starting position. Succeed in performing a series of powerful arcane rituals in order to stabilise or disrupt The Great Vortex, while foiling the progress of the other races. Each race offers a distinctive new playstyle with unique campaign mechanics, narrative, methods of war, armies, monsters, Lores of Magic, legendary characters, and staggering new battlefield bombardment abilities.
Shortly after launch, owners of both the original game and Total War: Warhammer II will gain access to the colossal new combined campaign. Merging the landmasses of The Old World plus Naggaroth, Lustria, Ulthuan, and the Southlands into a single epic map, players may embark on monumental campaigns as any owned Race from both titles.Factions.: Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.: The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks. He tastes great weakness in the vortex – and great opportunity in its demise.: Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail.Pre-orderAnyone pre-ordering Total War: Warhammer II through a SEGA approved retailer before release or buying in the first week on sale will receive the Race Pack for free of charge.Serpent God edition. The Serpent God Edition comes wrapped in faux lizard skin, replete with stone effect glyphs modelled on Lord Mazdamundi’s headdress, detailing the temple-cities of Lustria.