Fairyland Doryan The Enlightened Guitar Cover

Fairyland Doryan The Enlightened Guitar Cover Music
“SPLAT IN THE HAT” There’s something wrong inside Larry’s bowler hat and Gert must go inside to UN-FLUFF things. Fairyland traces its origin back to a pair of aspiring French musicians named Philippe Giordana and Willdric Lievin who started with a vision, to create a magical tale set to music on a grand scale. “Of Wars in Osyrhia” thus becomes precisely what its epic album art depicts, a towering colossus of organized sound and mystical storytelling.
1.And So Came the Storm01:25instrumental(loading lyrics.)2.Ride with the Sun04:54(loading lyrics.)3.Doryan the Enlightened05:44(loading lyrics.)4.The Storyteller03:47(loading lyrics.)5.Fight for Your King05:44(loading lyrics.)6.On the Path to Fury05:37(loading lyrics.)7.Rebirth04:30(loading lyrics.)8.The Fellowship06:24(loading lyrics.)9.A Dark Omen05:57(loading lyrics.)10.The Army of the White Mountains05:59instrumental(loading lyrics.)11.Of Wars in Osyrhia10:51(loading lyrics.)01:00:52.